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DUROMATIC® pressure cooker
HOTPAN® Comfort


Artichoke bottoms au Gratin
with mushrooms and cheese (Brie)


APPROX. 45 Minutes

Enough For

4 persons

Nutritional Value

960 kJ / 229 kcal (Per person)


  • Carbohydrates 11 g
  • Sugar 11 g
  • Fat 15 g
  • Protein 14 g


  • alcohol
  • lactose


As a main course double the quantities.


  • 4 artichokes type Camus or Castel
  • 1 lemons squeeze and mix with 17 fl oz. water
  • 40 g Brie cheese cut into 4 slices


  • 1/2 onions peel and chop finely
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 250 g button mushrooms wash and slice finely
  • 1/2 dl dry white wine
  • 2 tsp instant gravy
  • 1 dl cream
  • 1 bunch chives wash and chop finely
  • Salt and pepper Freshly ground



1. Break the stem off from the artichoke carefully, at the same time pulling the tough fibres out of the base.

2. Using a serrated knife, remove only so much of the leaves until the light artichoke base appears. Then cut away 2/3 of the upper part of the globe. Cut off the outer leaves likewise until the light base appears.

3. Cut off the outer leaves likewise until the light base appears. Cut away the light leaves on the upper part with a paring knife until you can see the haylike fibres in the artichoke base. Scratch out these fibres with a soup spoon. If necessary, remove what is left of the leaves from the base and trim into shape.

4. Immediately place the artichoke bottoms in lemon water.



1. Get the DUROMATIC® ready with a trivert and 3 1/3 fl oz. water.

2. Place the artichoke bottoms into the steamer insert and place onto the trivert.

3. Close the lid and cook under pressure on setting 2 for 5 minutes.

4. As soon as the desired pressure level has been reached, start the cooking assistant. The app can be installed free of charge in the corresponding store for iOS and Android

5. At the end of the cooking time cool the rim of the cooker under cold running water until the pressure indicator stem remains in its lowest position.


1. Sauté the onions, then add the mushrooms and cook for 3 minutes.

2. Douse with the white wine and allow to reduce somewhat.

3. Add the gravy to the cream, stir well and bring to the boil.

4. Reduce the sauce and, if necessary, bind with Maizena express.

5. Season to taste with salt and pepper.


Preheat the oven to 240°C / 465°F with grill function.

Place the artichoke bottoms on a ovenproof plate and reserve.

Pour the mushroom sauce into the artichoke bottoms and place a slice of Brie cheese on top of each.

Bake int the oven for about 8 minutes. Then sprinkle with chives.

Hint Artichoke bottoms can be deep-frozen or sterilised in preserving jars.


Kuhn Rikon


APPROX. 60 Minutes

Enough For

4 persons

Nutritional Value

960 kJ / 229 kcal (Per person)


  • Carbohydrates 11 g
  • Sugar 11 g
  • Fat 15 g
  • Protein 14 g


  • alcohol
  • lactose


As a main course double the quantities.

Cooking Equipment


  • 1 dl water keep ready to cook
  • 4 artichokes type Camus or Castel
  • 1 lemons squeeze and mix with 17 fl oz. water
  • 40 g Brie cheese cut into 4 slices


  • 1/2 onions peel and chop finely
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 250 g button mushrooms wash and slice finely
  • 1/2 dl dry white wine
  • 2 tsp instant gravy
  • 1 dl cream
  • 1 bunch chives wash and chop finely
  • Salt and pepper Freshly ground



1. Break the stem off from the artichoke carefully, at the same time pulling the tough fibres out of the base.

2. Using a serrated knife, remove only so much of the leaves until the light artichoke base appears. Then cut away 2/3 of the upper part of the globe. Cut off the outer leaves likewise until the light base appears.

3. Cut off the outer leaves likewise until the light base appears. Cut away the light leaves on the upper part with a paring knife until you can see the haylike fibres in the artichoke base. Scratch out these fibres with a soup spoon. If necessary, remove what is left of the leaves from the base and trim into shape.

4. Immediately place the artichoke bottoms in lemon water.



1. Add the artichoke bottoms with the liquid to the HOTPAN® Comfort.

2. Put the lid on and boil until steam begins to escape from between the lid and the top of the pan.

3. Reduce the heat and allow to simmer for 5 minutes.

4. Start the cooking assistant. The app can be installed free of charge in the corresponding store for iOS and Android

5. Then place the DUROTHERM® / HOTPAN® into the base / insulating bowl and softcook for 10 minutes.


1. Sauté the onions, then add the mushrooms and cook for 3 minutes.

2. Douse with the white wine and allow to reduce somewhat.

3. Add the gravy to the cream, stir well and bring to the boil.

4. Reduce the sauce and, if necessary, bind with Maizena express.

5. Season to taste with salt and pepper.


Preheat the oven to 240°C / 465°F with grill function.

Place the artichoke bottoms on a ovenproof plate and reserve.

Pour the mushroom sauce into the artichoke bottoms and place a slice of Brie cheese on top of each.

Bake int the oven for about 8 minutes. Then sprinkle with chives.

Hint Artichoke bottoms can be deep-frozen or sterilised in preserving jars.


Kuhn Rikon


APPROX. 60 Minutes

Enough For

4 persons

Nutritional Value

960 kJ / 229 kcal (Per person)


  • Carbohydrates 11 g
  • Sugar 11 g
  • Fat 15 g
  • Protein 14 g


  • alcohol
  • lactose


As a main course double the quantities.

Cooking Equipment


  • 1 dl water keep ready to cook
  • 4 artichokes type Camus or Castel
  • 1 lemons squeeze and mix with 17 fl oz. water
  • 40 g Brie cheese cut into 4 slices


  • 1/2 onions peel and chop finely
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 250 g button mushrooms wash and slice finely
  • 1/2 dl dry white wine
  • 2 tsp instant gravy
  • 1 dl cream
  • 1 bunch chives wash and chop finely
  • Salt and pepper Freshly ground



1. Break the stem off from the artichoke carefully, at the same time pulling the tough fibres out of the base.

2. Using a serrated knife, remove only so much of the leaves until the light artichoke base appears. Then cut away 2/3 of the upper part of the globe. Cut off the outer leaves likewise until the light base appears.

3. Cut off the outer leaves likewise until the light base appears. Cut away the light leaves on the upper part with a paring knife until you can see the haylike fibres in the artichoke base. Scratch out these fibres with a soup spoon. If necessary, remove what is left of the leaves from the base and trim into shape.

4. Immediately place the artichoke bottoms in lemon water.



1. Add the artichoke bottoms with the liquid to the HOTPAN® Comfort.

2. Put on the lid and start the cooking assistant of the app. The app can be installed free of charge in the corresponding store for iOS and Android


1. Sauté the onions, then add the mushrooms and cook for 3 minutes.

2. Douse with the white wine and allow to reduce somewhat.

3. Add the gravy to the cream, stir well and bring to the boil.

4. Reduce the sauce and, if necessary, bind with Maizena express.

5. Season to taste with salt and pepper.


Preheat the oven to 240°C / 465°F with grill function.

Place the artichoke bottoms on a ovenproof plate and reserve.

Pour the mushroom sauce into the artichoke bottoms and place a slice of Brie cheese on top of each.

Bake int the oven for about 8 minutes. Then sprinkle with chives.

Hint Artichoke bottoms can be deep-frozen or sterilised in preserving jars.


Kuhn Rikon


APPROX. 45 Minutes

Enough For

4 persons

Nutritional Value

960 kJ / 229 kcal (Per person)


  • Carbohydrates 11 g
  • Sugar 11 g
  • Fat 15 g
  • Protein 14 g


  • alcohol
  • lactose


As a main course double the quantities.


  • 4 artichokes type Camus or Castel
  • 1 lemons squeeze and mix with 17 fl oz. water
  • 40 g Brie cheese cut into 4 slices


  • 1/2 onions peel and chop finely
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 250 g button mushrooms wash and slice finely
  • 1/2 dl dry white wine
  • 2 tsp instant gravy
  • 1 dl cream
  • 1 bunch chives wash and chop finely
  • Salt and pepper Freshly ground



1. Break the stem off from the artichoke carefully, at the same time pulling the tough fibres out of the base.

2. Using a serrated knife, remove only so much of the leaves until the light artichoke base appears. Then cut away 2/3 of the upper part of the globe. Cut off the outer leaves likewise until the light base appears.

3. Cut off the outer leaves likewise until the light base appears. Cut away the light leaves on the upper part with a paring knife until you can see the haylike fibres in the artichoke base. Scratch out these fibres with a soup spoon. If necessary, remove what is left of the leaves from the base and trim into shape.

4. Immediately place the artichoke bottoms in lemon water.



1. Get the DUROMATIC® ready with a trivert and 3 1/3 fl oz. water.

2. Place the artichoke bottoms into the steamer insert and place onto the trivert.

3. Close the lid and start cooking assistant of the app. The app can be installed free of charge in the corresponding store for iOS and Android


1. Sauté the onions, then add the mushrooms and cook for 3 minutes.

2. Douse with the white wine and allow to reduce somewhat.

3. Add the gravy to the cream, stir well and bring to the boil.

4. Reduce the sauce and, if necessary, bind with Maizena express.

5. Season to taste with salt and pepper.


Preheat the oven to 240°C / 465°F with grill function.

Place the artichoke bottoms on a ovenproof plate and reserve.

Pour the mushroom sauce into the artichoke bottoms and place a slice of Brie cheese on top of each.

Bake int the oven for about 8 minutes. Then sprinkle with chives.

Hint Artichoke bottoms can be deep-frozen or sterilised in preserving jars.


Kuhn Rikon