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APPROX. 240 Minutes
4 persons
2720 kJ / 649 kcal (Per person)
Allow the meat to marinate for at least 2 hours.
1. Heat the sunflower oil on setting 2/3, fry the onion strips and garlic for 3 minutes.
2. Douse with cider and vinegar. Add the meat.
3. Close the lid and start cooking assistant of the app. The app can be installed free of charge in the corresponding store for iOS and Android
4. Open the lid, place the meat into a bowl and allow to cool somewhat. Then shred finely with 2 forks.
5. Decant the sauce into a small bowl and scoop off the layer of fat. Then add just enough sauce to the meat so that it is juicy but not too wet.
Halve the buns, and brown on a baking sheet or in a frying pan without oil until crispy, then layer up with the meat, tomato slices, iceberg lettuce and some steak sauce.
Hint Reduce the sauce to 1/3 before pouring over the meat to intensify the taste.
Kuhn Rikon
APPROX. 240 Minutes
4 persons
2720 kJ / 649 kcal (Per person)
Allow the meat to marinate for at least 2 hours.
1. Heat the sunflower oil on setting 2/3, fry the onion strips and garlic for 3 minutes.
2. Douse with cider and vinegar. Add the meat.
3. Then close the lid and cook under pressure on setting 2 for 90 minutes
4. Once the cooking time is finished, set the DUROMATIC® aside and allow to cool.
5. Open the lid, place the meat into a bowl and allow to cool somewhat. Then shred finely with 2 forks.
6. Decant the sauce into a small bowl and scoop off the layer of fat. Then add just enough sauce to the meat so that it is juicy but not too wet.
Halve the buns, and brown on a baking sheet or in a frying pan without oil until crispy, then layer up with the meat, tomato slices, iceberg lettuce and some steak sauce.
Hint Instead of Hamburger buns, you can just as well use flatbreads, tortillas or slices of toast. Reduce the sauce to 1/3 before pouring over the meat to intensify the taste.
Kuhn Rikon