500 g green asparagus Wash, cut off approx. 1/3 of the hard ends, if necessary peel off some more, then cut diagonally into slender pieces of approx. 5 cm in length
400 g Cupido plum tomatoes Wash, drain and halve
2 tbsp olive oil
1 bunch fresh basil Wash, shake dry, pluck the leaves from the stalks and chop coarsely
Orange vinaigrette
1 oranges untreated Wash well, grate half the peel finely and press out the juice.
1 limes Wash well, grate the peel finely and press out the juice
1 tsp mild mustard
1 tbsp Agave syrup
4 tbsp olive oil
Sea salt and black pepper Freshly ground
Orange vinaigrette
1. Place all the ingredients into a mixer beaker and mix to a creamy sauce using the stick blender.
1. Heat the frying pan with olive oil then fry the asparagus until the colour changes.
2. Add the tomatoes, put on the lid and cook for a few minutes with the lid on so that the asparagus still has slight bite.
3. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Arrange the asparagus on a serving plate, sprinkle with basil and pour over the orange vinaigrette.
Hint Grilled fish and sea food go really well with this.